Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Spring? Please?

There are two little birds sitting in our (fake) forsythia wreath on the front door right now. 
They flew away when I took this, but you can imagine it, right?

The chipmunk family that lives under the deck, who've been hiding since about October, have made a couple of appearances in the last few weeks too. I even saw a very pregnant-looking mama chipmunk cleaning her face the other day. Hopefully we get to see some babies soon!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Checking in

Sorry I haven't posted in forever! I'm going to try to use this new voice dictation software app thing on my phone and see if I can get more posts put in more often. Will you forgive me if they're punctuated badly? :P 

here's just a couple pictures from what we've been doing lately:

Luke begged to go play outside even though it's probably only 45° out there. James and I decided to stay inside where it's warm. Luke was not thrilled when he saw James playing with his favorite digger... 

love and miss you guys! I'll have to post more soon. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

An entire post of pictures of James in the Bumbo

...mostly because I think they're hilarious & adorable. (I figure since Luke had two whole years of solo blog posts, James has some catching up to do, right?) A huge thanks to Aunt Audrey for the present!

I love these nightgown/bag thingies. So easy for diaper changes. We can pretend it's not as girlie as it is since it has robots or something on it, right? ;-)

Those little ankle socks kill me. So tiny! So easy to lose in the wash that way...

James = tiny old man in a BarcaLounger 

"Who, me?"

A bit out of order...this was an early attempt from like a month ago. Look how tiny he is!

I think this was the night we bought the Bumbo. #potbelly

...aaaand this was the typical result after the first 5 seconds, until he got the hang of it. 

Uncle Rico, no? ;-)

We didn't have one with Luke, but I'm a total Bumbo believer this time around. James is a huge fan (he hates lying flat, probably because he's a bit reflux-y), and I'm a huge fan since it means he doesn't demand to be held as much. Not that I mind snuggling this cutie!

Some quick snaps of the boys

I had an awesome post all typed up and ready to go last week, but then I think my phone died & it didn't save. Discouraging...Especially when I'd typed the whole thing with my thumbs, haha! Oh, well. Try, try again, I guess. :)

Chatting with Dad

Snow cones at Grant's Farm. "I want a BWOO one cuz my pants are bwoo!"

Along for the ride

"No, no, I don't WANT to smiyow. I want to yook at aww of da birwds."

You can't see it, but he's holding his green Luke train (thanks, Jenny!) in his other hand. He had to bring it along because we were riding the "twain" (kind of a tram/bus thingie). 

Why hello, little stranger

Nothing too exciting planned for this week...looking forward to a lazy Conference weekend and some more perfect Missouri fall weather. 

Lots of love!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Luke and James at home

We may not get out quite as much now with two little guys as we did before, but having sweet baby James around just makes our time at home that much more cozy. 

Always gnawing on that first little knuckle. He was practically born doing it, & it doesn't look like the habit will stop any time soon!

Snuggle bug

I love bedtime. Luke has turned into such a little man--here he's spitting after brushing his teeth. 

"Helping" James with the mobile

Make it quiet! Make it dark! Put me to bed!

Luke at the gazebo at Twin Oaks park. He asked me to set up his little camp chair so he could sit and watch the fish. Sometimes I swear that kid has the soul of an old man. 

Blue Steel

Luke this summer, in a nutshell: crazy sweaty hair, cheesy grin (/grimace), completely obsessed with construction equipment. Ask him about stabilizers and hydraulic arms and bridge cranes and job sites sometime. 

James (2 months) and Lincoln (9 months). Did I mention that James is in the 99th %ile for length? 14th %ile for head size, though. He's our reverse bobble head. 

Such a ham lately. 

If someone wouldn't mind taking my kids aside sometime and explaining that they're not allowed to grow up so fast, that would be great. Thanks in advance. 

New blog!

It's been way, way too long since I posted any kind of an update about our little adventures. We've got another little Matheson boy now, so I figured we'd better change up the blog title! I've got a Blogger app on my fancy new phone now, so maybe I'll be able to update a little more frequently, too.

Lots of love to our friends and family, near & far!